Our organization prides itself on hiring the right people for the job, and it shows! The average tenure across all our employees is an incredible 12 years - we even have a few staff members who've been with our company for more than 20, 25 and even 30 years! We love that our employees love to work for Master Promotions Ltd. and are so passionate about their work.

Riley Boutilier

Graphic Designer

Riley joined Master Promotions in 2023. They have been working as a graphic designer since 2016. They graduated from Nova Scotia Community College with a diploma in Graphic Design and a certificate in Applied Media & Communication Arts. Their design style draws from both a keen interest in ever-evolving trends and a strong base of timeless fundamentals.

In their spare time, Riley enjoys reading comic books, creating digital art, and birdwatching.

Riley is based in the Halifax, NS office.